Working toward criminal justice reform.
Freedom Fighters’ mission is to help those who deserve a second chance to reclaim their lives.

We are a legal team of experienced professionals working together to prepare the most eye-catching clemency petition.
Consulting Services
Compassionate Release
2255 and Post Conviction
Federal Clemency
Administrative Remedies
Our Advisor
The federal prison consulting team at Freedom Fighters is led by Chad Marks, author of the Blood On The Razor Wire. A true inside look at what federal prison is really like. Chad has over two decades of experience assisting federal criminal defendants preparing for a term of incarceration, as well as those currently incarcerated. If you need to prepare for prison, have a problem while in prison, or need help with reentry planning, Chad can help.
Chad Marks
When charged with a federal crime, it can feel as though your life is crashing down. For many in this position, it feels as though there is nowhere to turn. It can be terrifying, and the fear of what is to come can be crippling. During this time of crisis, it is essential to quickly get a bearing on what is going on and what the best next steps are to protect yourself, your family, and your future.
How Our Federal Prison Consultants Can Help
Ready to get answers from qualified prison consultants?
Contact us about your case, or your loved one’s case, or send us your questions and suggestions!